- Tokusei Otokoya Ramen, 45/100 (06 July 2023, Alexandra Central Mall)

Okoto Ramen may have received high ratings on Google reviews, but it unfortunately falls short of expectations during our visit.

Tokusei Otokoya Ramen – 45/100
Noodle – 20/35
The thin, straight Hakata-style noodles offer a firm bite, but they don’t quite reach the al dente texture. Although they slurp well with the soup, taste-wise, they are rather average and lack distinctive flavors.
Broth – 20/35
The soup features a rich and foamy layer, a classic Tonkotsu trademark that signifies emulsified fats. Yet, it tilts heavily towards a strong porkiness, with a rich and meaty initial taste, followed by a pronounced porky flavor, and a subtle lingering Shoyu note. Although the menu mentions chicken oil, its presence wasn’t quite noticeable.
Meat – 5/20
The thinly sliced meat gives an initial impression of being quite fatty. While the mouthfeel is chewy, it tends to be a little tough. Moreover, the porky odor becomes more pronounced the longer you chew. The marination carries a subtle sourness that doesn’t effectively complement or mask the porky smell.
Topping – 0/10
The toppings are rather ordinary, with the tamago exhibiting a noticeable mirin taste, appearing over-marinated. This results in a slightly off texture of the egg white, which starts to feel somewhat rubbery despite the yolk retaining a slightly lava-like consistency.
One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
Find out more about our palettes and how we evaluate our ramen here. 😉